Image Licensing
Mel Casas always welcomed the use of the images of his works, however, we ask that you respect our rights and reproduction policies.
If you are interested in using any of the images, you MUST provide information on the type and scope of intended use when submitting your request. You may submit your initial request using the "Contact Page", email, and/or listed phone number. A request to use an image/s is not a guarantee and the right to deny requests is reserved.
Rights and Reproduction
If you wish to include a Mel Casas image in print, electronic, or broadcast media, please email your request with the following details included:
For-profit/non-profit status of requesting institution.
Title, author(s), publisher, media format(s).
Expected publication date, print run, and distribution.
Image reproduction size (i.e. 1/4, 1/2, full-page, cover).
Fees, if any will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Occasionally, images may be licensed for use on merchandise. The integrity of objects from the collection must be preserved in all reproductions, therefore, all licensed product designs are subject to approval prior to their manufacture, publication, marketing, sale, and/or production.